


What is BlacThai?

BlacThai™ is a unique technique home to The Trap and of course, one of our most popular peace solutions.

We use a unique blend of mind and body techniques to introduce the client to their inner zen. Our therapists use a vast array of smooth and soothing strokes of western massage in conjunction with the healing and therapeutic elements of eastern massage. Instead of relying solely on gliding and kneading motions characteristic of massage, BlacThai™ massage employs connect, open and close stretching techniques to relieve tension and open the energetic lines of the body that causes fatigue, pain, and disease.

The choice is yours!

BlacThai™ Flow (aka Assisted Stretch)

Our BlacThai™ Flow sessions are performed “on the flo” with clients laying comfortability on a padded Thai mat, fully clothed, and with an eye mask for added relaxation. Clients will leave each assisted stretch session with a new profound sense of movement and looseness that encourages a new, positive vibe and lifestyle. Flow sessions are booked 1:1 in a private room with up to 6 other participants.

BlacThai™ Massage

Our BlacThai™ massage sessions are performed unclothed and on a traditional massage table as trained massage therapists drape you to ensure complete security and comfort throughout the session. The experience is similar to our BlacThai™ Flow minus the Thai mat and in a private space, of course.

We currently offer BlacThai™ flow, massages, and workshops!

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